
Selected examples of previous projects can be found below:

Local Trust

In 2017 I became a plan assessor for Local Trust. This work includes assessing plans for Big Local areas around the country.

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)

In 2015 I developed a Study Zone course for NCVO on the topic of Commissioning Research. This involved writing the course and accompanying materials and recording an online course.

The Institute for Volunteering Research (IVR)

In 2014 I led a volunteer programme evaluation of The Conservation Volunteers on behalf of IVR. This involved an online survey, focus groups and interviews with a final report and presentation with recommendations for the board and senior staff.

In 2008, I led a project in partnership between IVR and Greater London Volunteering for the London Development Agency, resulting in a report entitled; “London Volunteering Health Check: All fit for 2012”. The study looked at data on levels of volunteering in London, alongside exploring the health of London’s volunteering infrastructure.

UK Fundraising Regulator

In 2016 I worked with the UK Fundraising Regulator to design and carry out a series of focus groups in relation to a consultation about new fundraising regulations for charities. My work included designing and leading four focus groups and analysing and reporting on the findings.

Amnesty UK

In 2014 I co-led work on governance for Amnesty UK on behalf of NCVO. This included a governance review, surveys, focus groups and analysis of member views.

NHS England

In 2016/17 I worked with a team of consultants to deliver the ‘Empowering the Public to play an Active Role in Commissioning and Service Improvement’ project for NHS England. My role was to develop and deliver a series of training sessions for lay people involved in patient participation groups and clinical commissioning groups across London.

Volunteer Centre Tower Hamlets (VCTH)

In 2007, I completed a research report about volunteering in Tower Hamlets, culminating in the publication of a final report; “Volunteering in Tower Hamlets – Local Perspectives on Volunteering Trends and Issues”.  This research included an electronic survey of over 100 VIOs, telephone questionnaires with volunteers, several focus groups of volunteers and Volunteer Managers, analysis of data provided Tower Hamlets Residents’ Panel and comparison with the Citizenship Survey 2005

Consortium of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voluntary and Community Organisations

In 2007, I completed a report about LGBT volunteering issues and levels of engagement with volunteering infrastructure bodies in London for the Consortium of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voluntary and Community Organisations.