Examples of selected projects:
I have been working with the Samaritans on their volunteer programme including writing an external landscape paper, analysing and writing a meta-analysis report of their volunteer data trends, benchmarking, an away day and role mapping. I further designed and analysed two online surveys for Samaritans; one for their volunteers and one for potential volunteers and wrote a comprehensive report on the results as well as an exit survey for volunteers who leave.
In 2016/17 I worked with a team of consultants to deliver the ‘Empowering the Public to play an Active Role in Commissioning and Service Improvement’ project for NHS England. My role included developing and delivering a series of training sessions for lay people involved in patient participation groups and clinical commissioning groups across London. This project was carried out in collaboration with other consultants including WSA, Paul Bragman, Sian Penner and Just ideas.
In 2016 I worked with the UK Fundraising Regulator to design and carry out a series of focus groups in relation to a consultation about new fundraising regulations for charities. My work included designing and leading four focus groups and analysing and reporting on the findings. This work was carried out as an NCVO Consultant.
In 2015 I worked with the Cardinal Hume Centre to advise on equalities issues. This work included consultations and workshops with staff and service users to provide a report detailing recommendations related to improving equality and diversity.
In 2015 I led an evaluation and impact assessment project for Diversity Role Models which included writing a literature review about homophobic bullying, a data collection review of the organisation, five case studies of secondary schools working with DRM, an online survey of young people and several written reports and case studies which were launched in Parliament in February 2016.
I have worked several times with Amnesty International (UK office) on membership consultation and governance projects. This included an online survey, analysis and a written reports to the governing body. This was carried out in my role as Consultant for NCVO.
In 2015 I developed a Study Zone course for NCVO on the topic of Commissioning Research. This involved writing the course and accompanying materials and recording an online course.
In 2014 I led a volunteer programme evaluation of The Conservation Volunteers on behalf of the Institute for Volunteering Research (IVR). This involved an online survey, focus groups and interviews with a final report and presentation with recommendations for the board and senior staff of TCV.